British Indian Restaurant Curry


British Indian Restaurant Curry And how to Make It! Scroll down for a basic recipe for Curry Base Gravy and how to use it! Just like any other food curry has it’s trends and opinions on how to make it. In this article we will find out what British Indian Restaurant Curry is and how…… Continue reading British Indian Restaurant Curry

Portuguese One Pot Chicken.

  It was a Saturday. Something strange had happened. I fancied something other than curry for tea! Not sure Kit was so impressed with this idea! However not all was lost… I still wanted that hit of spice! We were going to be having curry. We had bought 3 chickens especially. To be honest I…… Continue reading Portuguese One Pot Chicken.

Happy Happy Holidays!

Happy Happy Holidays! We love school holidays in our house. It’s even better when the weather is good, because after a wet winter with 4 bundles of energy bombing around in the house & climbing the walls, we were getting a wee bit fractious temperament wise. For the first winter in a long time we…… Continue reading Happy Happy Holidays!

Cheeky Cow!

Mike, our butcher, had got a couple of Ox Cheeks in. I’ve never had them before but I thought I’d give them a go. I’d read about them and understood that they needed a nice slow cook. Apparently they make an absolutely wicked chilli, or should that be cheeky chilli!  I think the bit of…… Continue reading Cheeky Cow!

Smoked Chicken & Sweetcorn Chowder

So Kit has to go to the emergency eye clinic, turns out she has got viral conjunctivitis, not nice. Hmmm, was going to be chicken & mushroom lasagne for tea, made with some ‘Ome smoked chicken (done at the same time as the lamb for Easter).Thinking about it though seems as our house is ‘house of…… Continue reading Smoked Chicken & Sweetcorn Chowder