Every now and then when we ask the kids what they want for tea they answer with something that strikes fear into me! Gnocchi is one of them! They love potato gnocchi and indeed so do I, however, making gnocchi for six hungry people, it’s one of the more… shall we say… time consuming dishes! However…… Continue reading Gnocchi-Wocky-Doo-Dah!
Tag: mash
Shepherds Pie… No really… Just Shepherds Pie!
Sometimes, not very often but sometimes we have a meal which is quite simple and not spicy. Well, not that spicy! Shepherds pie is one of those dishes. We don’t have it that often at all, so when we do it’s a real treat. It’s one of those really comforting foods. Perfect for…… Continue reading Shepherds Pie… No really… Just Shepherds Pie!